I confess...
Blogger is pissing me the hell off tonight (I'm typing this out around 11:15 on Thursday night). It's been a very long day...why can't Blogger just get with the dang program?I confess...
I'm about to murderize my husband. I love him. I love him. I love him! But he refuses to listen to I confess...
I was going to go to Target today at lunch. I made it *to* Target, but I didn't make it *in* Target. Why? Because the hubs wouldn't stop talking. Seriously.I confess...
I contemplated leaving the cell phone on the seat of the car, going in to Target to do my business and coming back out - I bet he would've still been talking. *sigh*I confess...
When I start a new project, I totally obsess about it and get very disappointed when it doesn't turn out the way I pictured it in my head.
I confess...
If I go to a store that has a beauty department, I go there first. Every. store. To look for polish, of course!I confess...
This is what I look like this morning while I'm reading my blogs. What you can't see is the makeup still on my face left over from yesterday, the boxers and the LL Bean slippers - the outfit of winners!Whew! I feel better. A good confession is always good for the soul. Join in, won't you?
I confess that last weekend, I combined exchanging texts with a friend who's going through a nasty breakup with my nail polish shopping stops. I was texting from the beauty aisle in Target, the parking lot of Big Lots, etc.
I'm the same way about beauty departments. It's just really calming to walk through that area and look at everything - I think it's all the color and sparkles!
I confess that even though I've not been unemployed since high school (too long ago to contemplate) I secretly enjoy not having anyplace to be and no demands made on me and nothing I have to be doing while somebody else works.
And the only way you can make your morning outfit totally complete is if you have a long terry bathrobe on and its wide open. hahaha
I avoid the beauty department--it intimidates me. But then I don't really do makeup well at all.
I confess I go to beauty stores first, too! Sometimes just enter, check for any update and go out (especially when I'm looking for a LE).
And I confess I'd murder my hubby, too. He really can make me lose my temper (and he hates polish!).
BTW love your glasses, I have a similar pair and really like how they make me look "serious" :-)
Lol.. what was he talking about so much!?
I have lots of nail polish.. but don't use it much.
Have a QUIET weekend!
I confess... my new job scares me. And that until 2 days ago I didn't paint my nails for two weeks. YEAH.
I can relate to a lot of your posts!! Seriously...I never wash my face at night but I should...I always have leftover make up on. LOL
I too wish I could hit the mute button on my husband......
I look the same way when I read my blogs and do facebook!
My boyfriend is the same way, I have to cut him off or he'll keep me on the phone forever! Men!
Have a great weekend!
I confess that I don't spend a lot of time on the phone with one of my friends because she talks a lot yet doesn't really say much of importance and she makes a lot of background noise that comes through the phone louder than her voice. It's like she's misusing my ears! I confess I adore her but I don't like her phone manners.
I couldn't stop giggling at the confession of wanting to leave the cell phone on the seat and going in to do your shopping. LOL!
And, do you realize, that I was in the exact same position as you while reading your blog! I guess we are related :)
Love the confession idea.
Aren't husbands so sweet? lol
I bet all the stores recognize you when you walk in, don't they? That's awesome!
You're lookin' better than me in the mornings. My hair is usually everywhere.
I love this post! Chanel has the prettiest nail polish colors for spring *le sigh*
I am visiting from Mamarazzi's blog.
~Ricki Jill
YES I know what you mean about the beauty depts... something I pretend I'm not interested if I'm with someone and I'll try to casual walk by, instead of bee-lining it!
My Husband does that too...I've missed all kinds of lunch errands thanks to him running his mouth!
Blogger really is a pain in the ass lately huh!
Bummer when things don't turn out how you excpect or hope them too. That always ticks me off a bit too.
I confess that every time I buy a new polish I wonder in the back of my head if it is one that you have already.
My makeup is always on from the night before too. Lazy huh!
LOL leaving the phone on the seat...i laughed out loud!! i wonder if he would have noticed.
hey Target should NOT ever have to wait!
i am so glad you linked up...careful it gets addicting, confession is just too good for the soul!!
hahahaha, i love yout honestly especially on murdering your husband. i love this post!!
hahaha this is so cute! and you're brave to post your morning blog reading photo - I am DEFINITELY not that brave (but you look way better than I do without makeup - if I looked that good, I'd never wear any!!).
I totally go to the beauty isle first too!!
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