Wednesday, April 20, 2011
We Want to Know Wednesday
Good day, Kitschies! Welcome to the inaugural edition of We Want to Know Wednesday. I'm linking up with Impulsive Addict, Mamarazzi and two other great bloggers for this fun weekly Q&A session.

Welcome to our very first edition of WWTK! This weeks questions have a theme: FRIENDSHIP. We all have friends that we can brag about, right?
Here are the questions: {1} Do you make friends easily? {2} What 3 qualities are a MUST in a friend? {3} What makes YOU a good friend? {4} Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life? Yes? Tell us about the meet up. No? Who would you love to meet? {5} Who is your best friend? Tell us about them. 1. Kinda not. I'm usually kinda standoff-ish at first, especially at work, but once I get to know you and you get to know me, I'm usually pretty easy to get along with. 2. Must-have friend qualities? I don't know that I have any specific qualities, but lemme think. Anti-drama fo sho. Seriously. I have enough damned drama in my life, I don't need to deal with another person's shite. Sense of humor. If I can't laugh at with you, what's the point? Gotta get sarcasm. This kinda goes along with the sense of humor thing...if you don't get sarcasm, you won't get me.
3. I was thinking about this question on the way to work and I'm having a hard time coming up with a good answer. It's like those loaded questions you get asked at an interview. I'm there if you need me. I'm always willing to listen.
4. The only bloggy friend I've met IRL is my bestie, but it doesn't really count because I knew her before I started blogging. Oh, and my mom blogs, too, but that doesn't count, either. LOL I would LOVE to meet Mamarazzi, Myya from Myya Says, Rebecca from Mrs Bettie Rocker and Emily from Wife, Mom, Check, Check...just to name a few.
5. My bestie is none other than the goddess Wendi from Makeup Zombie. I met Ms Wendi when the hubs' bestie brought her over around Christmas 2003. Funny thing...I didn't care for Mistress W that night, but there was a pretty good reason for that, but that's a story for another day. Anyway...we ended up becoming pretty close; we even shared our last pregnancies (her 3rd, my 2nd) - our littles were born about 6 weeks apart. She's funny, sarcastic, beautiful, way talented, a great mom and a general pain in my butt. I say that with love and respect, of course.
This was taken on our adults-only weekend to Ruidoso, NM back in October. Yeah...it was a good time. She's the one to blame thank for getting me hooked on this blogging thing and the whole nail polish thing.
But, let's not forget my *other* bestie: The hubs. He really is my best friend. But, you can't really talk about the gossipy goodness with the hubs like I can with my bestie. He puts up with my crap. And, boy...can I dish it (but so can he)!
This was also taken on our adults-only weekend in October. He's good to me, even when I don't really deserve it. And I love him. Mostly. LMAO
Thanks for coming along with me. Won't you be a bloggy friend and hook up to the first We Want to Know Wendnesday? C'mon...you know you want to!

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YOU ARE STANDOFFISH? I had you pegged for a total outgoing person! I'm shocked right now!
I love the anti-drama. That is perfect! I should have included that one too.
That's a super cute pic of you and your TWO besties! I'll have to check out her blog when I get all caught up! I need about 3 more hours in my day! =)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for linking up!!!!
I liked your answers. And I agree with you - question #3 would be very hard to answer.
Haha! I love your variety of posts and your sense of humor/personality keeps me coming back. Sarcasm is key in my friendships too. Got my sis (call my bestie my sis cuz WE ARE) that sez: Sarcasm Society (underneath that) Like we need your support. LMFAO
Excellent post
standoffish... you haveover 300 followers! You must be doing something right!
Thanks for stoppin to say Hello... you may come back anytime. My place is always open!
I so would love to have a blogger weekend one day to meet all my bloggy friends. I just wish we all weren't so far away.
awww. i wanna meet you too, the next time you travel through we need to meet up.
i am super surprised to hear you describe yourself as standoffish. shocking. i just can't see it!
you are a doll and i am so happy to call you my friend!
I think it's adorable that your mom blogs! Yes yes to anti-drama. I hate drama ridden people!
No drama is a great one. I have 2 girls and they save their Drama for their Momma I don't need that same thing from a friend!
A scandalous start to a wonderful friendship, come on you have to share that story now!
Thanks for linking up!
Awwweee I feel SOOO special that I am on your like to meet list. Seriously, how awesome would it be to meet! I'd make you do my nails for sure LOL.
I agree, the hubs has to be a best friend otherwise what is the point :)
"getting" sarcasm is definitely important (at least for me bc i'm pretty sarcastic)
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