This weeks' questions come from the ever awesome Mamarazzi and all have to do with her latest addiction: her cell phone.
{1}Do you prefer to text or call?
{2}What is the last text message in your phone and who is it from?
{3}What are your favorite phone apps?
{4}At what age do you think kids are ready for a cell phone?
{5}Share a current pic or video taken with your phone.
1. Do you prefer to text or call.
It all depends on who I'm "talking" to and what the conversation is about. I text a lot because it's an easy way to keep in contact or to check in throughout the day. But, if it's a more in depth conversation, I'll call. If it's the bestie, we *rarely* actually talk on the phone but we text a lot. But if it's my parents and my weekly check-in, I always call (even though my mom and I text on and off through the week). 2. What is the last text message in your phone and who is it from?
I'm typing this up on Tuesday afternoon, so I know I've gotten more texts than this, but the last one (at this point) is from my bestie: "I asked him if he swiped those yest. I knew it!! He said he got them from home. LOL (he said yes). FYI: My kid's a klepto.3. What are your favorite phone apps?
I don't have a cool phone like all the other kids (mine is circa 2009 *gasp*). I like to say I'm blissfully unaware of all the awesome things a phone can do. The hubs keeps saying that we're going to get iPhones for Christmas. I kinda hope he's kidding. With that said, my favorite phone app is Text Twist 2.4. At what age do you think kids are ready for cell phones?
That's a hard one. My kids are still really young (5 and 2) and they're in no way even close to being ready for a cell phone. I'm thinking teens, like 14 or 15, but it really depends on the kid and the situation.
5. Share a current pic or video taken with your phone.
My boys: Nate, the hubs, and Mason, waiting impatiently in front of El Pinto to meet my Aunt and Uncle for lunch a few weekends ago.
So join me, won't you and link up with Mamarazzi for another great week of We Want to Know Wednesday!
So join me, won't you and link up with Mamarazzi for another great week of We Want to Know Wednesday!