I was fortunate enough to participate in Mamarazzi's Red, White & Blue swap. I was paired up with Amanda from Family of Shorts - what a great swap partner!!
I got my package today and it sat at work - at my desk - all. day. long. Why? Because I work with a bunch of nosy vultures and I didn't want to share my goodies with anybody. LOL So, instead I bring it home to my 4-year-old, who also happens to be a nosy vulture. Ya win some, ya lose some.
Once at home, my package was calling my name!

Open it up and what do I see? A cute card from Amanda and a thank you card from her daughter, Rhiannon (I sent her a couple NM/Abq postcards for a summer project)!!

I got all SORTS of cool stuffs! (click image to make big)
2. RW&B wash cloths - with a toddler, those always come in handy!
3. Cherry Pepsi flavored lip balm - yum!
4. Arissa nail polish in My Favorite Red (red is my FAVE) and an Art Deco nail art in white (I needed one in white)
5. Aluminum bottle in blue - gorgeous color
6. Trident strawberry & kiwi gum - Mommy! I want some! LOL
7. Koozie that says "The words you are looking for are YES DEAR" - can I tattoo that on my arm?
8. Blue pens (her favorite) - I'm always searching for pens
9. Little American flags - a definite necessity for 4th of July!
That Amanda is so sweet!! She even sent a little something for each of the boys!

A little something for Mr Mason

My kids *always* do this with clothes :)

Mason promptly threw his binkie out and picked up the Nuby - he was kinda disappointed it was empty

Oh, and that's me modeling my awesome apron! Complete with my scrubs *rollseyes*.

Yeah, I'm a dork. But you didn't need that picture as proof, now did ya? LOL This was so much fun! I loved shopping, packing and shipping my box 'o goodies to Amanda - I hope she enjoyed her stuffs. Thank you SO much to Ms Amanda - I LOVE my swap goodies! Go check out her blog, A Family of Shorts, now! She's on vacation right now, but even her guest bloggers are great! And if you're interested in participating in Dandelion Wishes' next Mamarazzi's swap, check out her blog, too. There's plenty of good stuff to go 'round!