Queso is asking the questions this week...
1. Which one of the following phrases characterizes how you live your life?
a. You only live once.
b. Test the water before jumping in.
c. Stability is the key to life.
2. What were you doing the last time you had a really good laugh?
3. Who is the last person you hugged?
4. What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
5. What was the first thing you thought about this morning?
1. Which one of the following phrases characterizes how you live your life?
a. You only live once.
b. Test the water before jumping in.
c. Stability is the key to life.
I'm going to take the easy way out on this one and say it's a good combination of all three of those, but definitely more of testing the water and stability. I crave stability and I very rarely jump in without checking out all options/possibilities/etc. first.2. What were you doing the last time you had a really good laugh?
I was watching Mr Bean: The Animated Series with the boys and Mason jumped up and did a little dance to both the opening and closing credits. I wish I had a good vid to share with you of it, but my phone sucks. I'll take a vid of his cute little booty shaking to Mr Bean soon!3. Who was the last person you hugged?
Speaking of Mr Mason...This little boy right here! I always give him a big GIANT hug when I drop him off at daycare in the morning.
4. What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
That's easy: Michael Buble, MoondanceOh, that sexy, sexy man.
5. What was the first thing you thought of this morning?
I'm glad I didn't go to the concert last night! (The hubs went to a concert last night and while I'm bummed I didn't go - because it sounded like a good time - I was was not bummed that I got more than the 3 hours of sleep that he got).I wanna know...what are your answers?
Mason is so cute! Yrs you should get a video- sounds adorably hilarious.
oh my goodness. Mason is freaking adorable!!
i think it is awesome that you can be a mix of all three...i wish i could do that!!
thanks for linking up with us!!
I was never good with multiple choice questions either :)
Mason is such a doll, I wanna squeeze him too!
No denying Michael Buble can SANG!
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